First I need to say I am too
tall for living in a hobbit whole. I think there are even no chairs that I can
sit. How awful it is! The rood is too low for me. I will have to bend my body in
a whole day if I do not want to hit the roof. This will make me crazy. And also
according to the book we know that the hobbits do not wear shoes, they walk up
and down without wearing shoes. So is it means the floor of the hobbit hole is
always dirty? Let’s think about the environment around the hobbit hole, trees
grass flowers and soil. I am not a girl who really
loves clean but I can’t stand he room that full of mud! If I live in the hobbit
hole all of my neighborhoods will be hobbits, right? And the hobbits enjoy the
leisurely life. I can’t imagine that every day I wake up and have nothing to do
then go to the lawn and look at the sky whole day except for eating. I REALLY
  HATE THIS KIND OF LIFE! (And also I don’t think there are

For these reasons how can I enjoy living in a
hobbit hole?

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