“Despicable me” is an animation movie. I saw it tonight and it is really funny that lets me cannot stop laughing. The main character in the movie is a thief. And he is good at this. He and his team, lots of minions, steal the Pyramid successfully and they decide to steal the moon! In our mind that is impossible. But actually they did it! Anyway this is not the key of the story. The story is talking about family. There are three orphans and because of the plan they were adopted by this thief. At first he just wants to use them to achieve his goals, but gradually they have the real feelings, become a real family. These three girls personality is different, one of them never believes others and one of them always believe it is a pretty word so all the people are pretty. But at last, all of them trust the thief and have a happy ending, full of happiness.

My cousins are all love the little guy in the movie, Minion. I have to say they are super cute. And now I fell in love with them as well.

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