My favorite charter in the book “The
Time Traveler’s Wife” is not the main charter Henry, I like his daughter at
and her name is Alba. Because of the time travel is a
kind of genetic disease, when Henry’s wife Clare was pregnant she 6 miscarriages. So they
have their seventh kid they were so excited but they also worry about it. Alba
is a time traveler as well. The thing they do not know is, their daughter is
more “powerful” than her dad. She can control her ability. This means this girl
can travel to anytime if she wants. And she tell her dad he will die when she is
5 years old. I like her because of her strong. She calmly teaches the younger
Alba how to control her own ability, though she is just 10. I cannot find a
charter that is my least favorite one. There are not a bad guy in this book
Maybe i am a little bit hit Clare’s brother, because he accidentally shot Henry
and make Henry die. But that is not his fault, this all is because time travel.
This is how to let a person feel helpless.

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